Our Chamber Group had been invited to perform in Taiwanese American Heritage Week [橙縣臺灣傳統週臺灣音樂欣賞] in previous years and this year. Taiwan folk songs are the main focus of our music selections. Here are brief summaries of Taiwan Folk Songs (台灣歌謠) from 日治時代 (1932-1939) to 戰後 (1946-1960). 台語通俗歌謠(I); 台語通俗歌謠(II) These PPT summaries were based on the book “台灣歌謠追想曲” by 莊永明; 前衛出版社 1994.
Songs from Japanese occupation period (日據時期的台灣歌謠) include: 1. 桃花泣血記; 2. 四季紅; 3. 月夜愁; 4. 望春風; 5. 雨夜花。 [Reference: 從台灣歌謠看歷史 – 以日據時代為例]
Four major songs after II World War (戰後四大名曲): 1. 補破網; 2. 望你早歸; 3. 燒肉粽; 4. 杯底不可養金魚。
Here are links of selected instrumental arrangements of the Taiwanese Folk Songs:
- 台湾四季 新维瓦第合奏团 指挥/编曲:早川正昭 — The music arrangement follows the style of Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” — Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Each season has 3 songs in fast, slow and fast tempo.
- Spring (春): 1.四季红; 2.蝶恋花; 3.桃花乡;
- Summer (夏): 4.牛犁歌: 5. 卖肉粽; 6.西北雨直直落
- Autumn (秋): 7. 宝岛四季谣; 8. 月夜愁; 9. 秋怨
- Winter (冬): 10. 碎心花; 11. 港边惜别 12.雨中鸟
- Piano Trio:
- I. The Watermill Maiden 水車姑娘, 春花夢露 by Lai Sheung Ping
- II. Moonlight Sorrow 月夜愁 by Lai Sheung Ping
- III. Reflection 思想起 by Lai Sheung Ping
- 雨夜花鋼琴三重奏
- Chamber Group:
- Orchestra:
- 台湾幻想曲 — 北京中央交响乐团 编曲:李泰祥 指挥:胡炳旭
- 台灣民謠 — 中国中央交响乐团演奏